The evidence is overwhelming: When justice-involved young people are given opportunities to see beyond their current circumstances, they have hope. When they have hope they gain confidence and good things happen. However most see only barriers preventing them from dreams of a college degree, a home with basic living necessities and a job that puts money in the bank. You can change that.
Give hope
“Most kids like me, and come from where I come from, don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. We learn and live life according to our current situation. Kids like me don't have hope and we always think our current situation is all there is. The fact things can and will be better, is far beyond our thinking.” - Dijon
Give confidence, it can go a long way…
“This award (reentry gift card award) will make it ten times easier to get back into the community and gain confidence with a new schedule and new routines.” - Hunter
Give the opportunity to do good things
“I love seeing the smile on my family’s faces when they see that I am doing good things.” - David